Phase 2 - Day 34


What a beautiful day it was!!

I reached school on time. After signed my attandance register, I reached my allotted place. Today, I have class at first period. Each day of internship taught me new lessons...

Teachers should first of all have moral values such as respect, honest, integrity and others to be able help students live morally good and become smart citizens.

I love to taught in first period. Its really fresh period. Today, I have class in 8 G1 at forst period. I start my class with a motivational story. I hope all enjoy the story.

After casual talk I check the assignment that I gave the last day. Then, I taught them some problems from previous year question paper.

I gave individual attention to each students. Also, I gave them assignment.

After first period , I have no more classes today. Also, I have no extra duties. So, I am completely free today. But, I am not ready to waste my time. So, I check the papers of achievement test that I conducted on last monday. And, Also I done the statistical interpretation from the data.

The achievement test is conducted on the basis of 2 chapters- Equal Triangles and Equations.

The test is conducted for checking the students progress as well as the amount of portion covered by the pupil.

28 students wrote the examination. The highest score was 26 and minimum was 6.

Alaysis of such an achievement test helped me to understand the progress as well as how much they have covered the portion for exam.

On the whole class was interesting to take and the discipiline. They, maintained while conducting an achievement test was good and appreciable. From the analysis I understand that the special care to those students who got less than 10 there were 6 students needs special attention and care to improve their studies.


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